A great alternative to buying vinyl fence panels, rails, slats, pickets, posts and fence parts!
For fast, effective repair of vinyl fence holes try our Almond Vinyl Fence Repair Kit from Fence Daddy to repair up to three cracks, holes or damage in your vinyl fence with one kit. Even if your fence is private, semi private or just posts and slats Fence Daddy will do almost any vinyl fence repair with our almond color matched composite compound. The kit's almond color-match repair compound is set to the original fence manufacturer color specification and will make your fence look and feel like new and keep it color like the original almond fence. No painting required, no maintenance or fence dis-assembly it's just that simple! Fence Daddy will last for years to come.Your fence will look as good as new!
Can repair an area of just over 1 square foot!
Note: Tan and Almond are the same color.
Still Have Question's? Give Us A Call Now 1-406-513-9597
Key Benefits:
- Repairs Multiple Damaged Fence Areas
- Strong Composite Repair
- No Need To Take Apart Your Fence
- Repair Holds It's Color In The Sun (UV Stable)
- Blends Into Existing Fence Color
- Doesn't Need To Be Maintained Or Painted
- Repairs Vinyl Fence Panels, Posts, Slats, Rails and Pickets!
- Looks Like Existing Fence
Vinyl Fence Repair with Fence Daddy
Posted by Fence Daddy on Friday, February 26, 2016
Easy As 1). Prep Fence 2). Patch Fence 3). Smooth Compound 4). Let it Dry 5). Repeat 6). Sand To Desired Finish.
- Anyone Can Do It !!
- No Painting Required
- No Need To Dig And Remove Fence Post
- Saves Time, Money, Hassle
Free Shipping And 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!
Your Fence Will Looks So Good You Wont Be Able To Find Your Own Repair!